read the article and determined that it would be perfect to test a comment link. The Article can be found here at
First, let me start out by saying that I truly believed that comment linking would be a complete waist of my time. I didn’t expect random people to follow-up on links within comments and I was completely surprised when I found out just how wrong I was. Out of all the experiments I have done so far, comment linking has provided me with the most traffic.
I pulled up Sitemeter to view the results and over a two week span the majority of my referrals have come from The snapshot below was taken from Sitemeter and details the referrals coming into my blog. Referrals refer to where your traffic is coming from. As you can see has 9 out of 20 hits on this page which is about 45% of the traffic.

The bottom line is comment linking works and is very effective when implemented correctly. I would also like to say that it is definitely not a waist of your time to add a few links on a weekly basis. I will continue to participate in comment building and I will do more follow-ups to keep you informed on what is and is not working to build traffic to this blog.
Until then subscribe to get all the latest updated.