In a world crammed full of electronic devices, the use of remote controls are everywhere. At some point in time your bound to have one fizzle out on you; leaving you no choice but to revert back into manipulating your electronics the old fashioned way. If you’re like me then this is not an option. I would rather sit and watch paint dry than get up and change the channel. Below is a quick troubleshooting guide to get you started in the right direction on finding what is wrong with that remote.
1. Change your batteries to the remote and make sure they are orientated the right way. (Believe it or not, this is in most cases the problem.)
2. Make sure the inferred laser is free from debris on both the remote and the electronic device. (I had this happen to me once when one of my kid got peanut butter all over the remote.)
3. Troubleshoot the remote using your digital camera. All you have to do is turn on your digital camera and face the remote so the inferred laser is pointing directly into the lens. Now, looking through the LCD panel and not the view finder you will see the inferred light if it’s working correctly.
4. Use the manual if you haven’t thrown it away yet. If you have thrown it away, like most of us do these days, you can go to to find one.
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