Someone once told me that you can use YouTube to help drive traffic to your blog. If you're like me, you are probably asking yourself how can YouTube help me make money on my blog. Well, YouTube is the leader in online video, and lets be honest you need traffic to make money.
With YouTube Videos being watched by millions everyday, you have the potential of generating a substantial amount of traffic to your web site. The increase in web traffic could lead you to new clients, readers, or revenue streams.
To test this all I will need is:
1. A YouTube Account
2. A Digital Camera
3. And Something Clever to Say
I now have 1 and 2 checked off my list and I'm currently working on number 3. The key for YouTube working for you is all about what you do or say in the video. If the video is decent you should be able to generate enough hits and add traffic to your web site.
If anyone has a good strategy, I would love to hear it. I will try and have a video to test the YouTube method by this weekend.
Here are a few notes from my previous usage on YouTube when uploading Video for other projects. The videos I have uploaded are mostly family videos and have only produced a few thousand hits total.
Once your video is ready to upload to YouTube, remember to add a description and tags. Tags are used by YouTube to help find relevant topics when people are looking for videos. Don't be shy when it comes to the tags more is always better. If for some reason your video doesn't produce many hits, you can change the tags at any time.
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